Free Heart Templates are super awesome to make lovely keepsakes for loved ones. Of course Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love observed all over the world. For this reason red and pink hearts, chocolates and heart candies adorn the shelves in stores. Together with these goodies are the many cards and notes, but you can make these yourself with Free Heart Templates.

Notably the history of a heart symbol as it relates to romance and love goes back in time from the 1250s. First the heart was seen as an upside down cone, then it was seen as a pear shape.
You can learn more about the history of the heart symbol here.
Fire up Creativity With Free Templates
By and by, there have been different opinions and depictions about the heart symbol as it relates to love. Today the heart symbol comes in different styles and sizes. As a matter of fact there are several Free Heart Templates below for you to print. By all means you can use them for cards and notes. Not to mention how you can also use them to add lovable touches to creative activities. In case you want to print free other free stencil patterns to add to your creativity click here.
In addition there are also free butterfly template printable available here.
Free Heart Templates Add Warmth
By the way, when you personalize your cards, they add more warmth and loved ones feel even more special. Against all odds what better time to show your love and appreciation to those you really love? Surely anytime during the year is perfect. Bear in mind though that love is not just for Valentine’s Day, but everyday. With this in mind, Free Heart Templates come in handy because you can quickly add your personal touch to a different card every day of each month.
Notwithstanding the romance and love associated with hearts, some people may just want to add their beloved pets to their heart creativity. In the event that you are thinking of doing so, you can print free printable animal stencils here.
Accordingly, there are enough Free Heart Templates on this page for you to print one for every day. This is truly a cool way to show loved ones that they are special indeed. As a matter of fact these templates come in very handy for kids to make cards, for coloring and for decorations both in the classroom or at home.
In case you are not artistic this is the ideal way for you to get creative. As an illustration, watch the short video below to see how to cut out your heart stencils.
Similarly, you can use any other sharp cutter to cut out the shapes. Regardless of which cutter you choose to use, remember to cut carefully along the outline of each shape.
With this in mind, you can go ahead and print Free Heart Templates below.
Free Heart Template Free Printable Heart Stencil Free Printable Heart Template
Free Valentine Stencils Free Valentines Day Stencil Heart Shape Outline
Heart Shape Stencil Heart Shaped Stencil Heart Stencil Free
Heart Stencil Printable Heart Stencils Print Heart Template
Heart Template Free Heart Template Print Heart Template Printable
To demonstrate: Watch this video on how you can use these templates to make beautiful cards.
To emphasize, these free heart templates are not just for Valentine’s Day, but for other special celebrations. For example Mother’s and Father’s Day, and all sorts of art and crafts activities. In like manner, heart templates are also popular decorations for bridal parties or showers and even weddings. Again, you can use heart images anytime throughout the year. Of course go ahead and print some templates below for your projects.
Clipart Heart Hearts Outline Large Heart Stencil
Love Heart Stencil Print Love Heart Stencil Love Heart Stencil Print
Printable Heart Template Printable Heart Templates Printable Hearts Template
Small Heart Stencil Valentine Heart Patterns Valentine Heart Stencil
Valentine Heart Stencils Valentine Heart Template Valentines Day Stencil
Heart Template Printable Free Heart and Bow Rope Heart
Hearts Represent Worldwide Affection
Throughout the world, people choose traditional heart shapes to show just how affectionate they are to those who are very close to them. The symbol of the heart shape is strongly attached to deep love and a show of devotion.
Ever since earlier days, hearts have been used to show loving emotion to dear ones. However it is not really clear as to why the heart is chosen. Albeit many people in love convey their romantic feelings more on Valentine’s Day than any other day of the year. Henceforth heart shapes are quite popular.
On the other hand, there is also the heart with a wound. Specifically that heart shows an arrow piercing it. Surely that makes anyone sick, right? With this intention it is clearly the symbol of pain and a broken heart.
Printing and Cutting Tips
- Print any of these heart templates on A4 or Letter size paper.
- For best results you can print these stencil outlines on thick paper especially if you want to reuse them. In case you want them to use long term, then you can paste them on a protective layer before cutting them out.
- To make your heart shape symmetrical, fold it in half.
- Use a craft knife or a pair of sharp scissors to cut out the shapes. Any other stencil cutter is also good.
- Use for various craft activities, from making cards and notes, scrapbooks and projects or even just for coloring.
No doubt you will enjoy being creative as you print templates and put on your thinking caps. Remember to share your creative designs whether they are cards, scrapbook ideas or any other decorative ideas. With this in mind you may want to get even more creative. Go here for Free Online Courses to boost your creativity.

Hope you are happy with your experience at If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions let us hear from you. Feel free to share this page or leave a comment.
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