Kids Stencils for Drawing and the Left Handed Child

Kids Stencils for Drawing and the Left Handed Child

Nobody denies that Kids Stencils for Drawing and the Left Handed Child can be a bit frustrating. Right?  As a matter of fact, in a previous post a reader had a concern about her left handed child who gets frustrated easily when using kids stencils for drawing.  Certainly, I know that Kids Stencils for Drawing and the Left Handed Child can be challenging for young children.  Moreover with Kids Stencils for Drawing, that is even harder.

If for any reason this happens to your kids, then introduce these later when they show readiness.  On a more positive note, I share some tips in this post about Kids Stencils for Drawing and the Left Handed Child. I certainly hope these can help.

Point in fact, left-handed children experience some difficulty using right handed tools.  Surely it is difficult to cut things for art and craft activities with a right handed scissors.  Ideally these children should use tools designed for them.  However with this in mind, they do activities just as well as right handed kids.

Basically, here are some tips that can help left handed kids to draw.

Kids Stencils for Drawing and the Left Handed Child

Whenever possible, make special arrangements for kids.  For example, let them sit at a left handed desk, and provide drawing tools that are specially made for them.  Basically set up their work space so that it accommodates their writing and drawing activities.  Despite the provision of these tools, some lefty kids will still have challenges because we live in a world where the right hand is the dominant one.

Left Hand Drawing

Correct Pencil Grasp  

Before long, your child needs to learn about the Tripod Grasp.  Important to realize that this is how a pencil is held correctly to write or draw.  First put a mark about an inch and a half above the pencil point.  As a matter of fact just use a marker or a sticker to do so.  To emphasize, tell your child that this is a guide for holding the pencil correctly with the thumb and index finger.

Practice For Confidence

No doubt the Tripod Grip has its advantages.  Surely the child is holding the pencil a bit higher.  Of course this makes it easier to see the drawing.  Certainly, it cuts down on paper smudges.  In fact practice is key, so work with your child to get this grasp right.  Truly the child gets a boost of confidence.

Left Handed Tools For Kids

Even though there are left handed tools for kids, the purchase of these is not really necessary.  Of course these kids are capable of a good grip just like right handed kids.  However left handed scissors for example are truly designed with reverse blades so that lefties can see where they are cutting.

Similarly, the left handed ruler measures from right to left.  Certainly, this is much easier for lefty kids to draw lines and to see the numbers.  Likewise left handed pencils, pens and crayons are uniquely designed for lefties to have a good grasp.  Learn more by watching the short video below.

Angle Paper Correctly

To be sure, help your child to position paper at an angle when drawing.  Assuredly this allows arm comfort when moving.   Moreover the child is able to see the drawing.

By all means raise the paper to the left corner marginally to adjust.  No doubt this prevents overworking of the muscles and twisting of the wrist.

Right Hand Assist

Clearly remind child to use the right hand to keep the paper steady when necessary.  Surely, assist and encourage if the paper keeps moving and gets smudgy.

Model Placement and Group Seating

In case you use a model, place it to the child’s right so it can be seen.  Whenever there is group work, allow the child to sit to the left of the other child.  Of course this prevents bumping each other with the elbow.


Generally speaking kids that are lefties may need drawing practice as much as possible.  For instance you can provide everyday objects for these kids to draw.  To emphasize use nothing that will cause discouragement.  Obviously give fun easy things to draw.  To be sure reinforce the habit of working from left to right.  Again practice a lot of it, over and over for your child to learn the skill.

Cutting With Scissors

Important to note that it is best for left-handed kids to use scissors made specially for them because of the way the blades are turned.  Bear in mind that kids can see where they are cutting and they don’t have to fold or bend the paper.  Watch the short video below for a demonstration.

Hope you are happy with your experience at  If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please let us know.  Feel free to share this page or leave a comment.



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